Gift Planning to the Iowa State Fair

Support Your Iowa State Fair

The Blue Ribbon Foundation has established endowment funds to provide ongoing financial support for the Iowa State Fairgrounds. These endowments grow over time, establishing permanent funding that enables more effective strategic planning for the future and ensures that our historic Fair's infrastructure will be maintained and improved for generations to come.

Anyone can contribute to the Our Fair's Future or Endow Iowa endowment funds with a gift of any size. Donors with gifts over $1000 are recognized in the Champion’s Circle. 

If you've already made the decision to include the Blue Ribbon Foundation in your estate plan, please let us know by completing a Statement of Intent

There are many ways to make a gift, including:

A charitable bequest in a will is the most common gift as it is flexible, revocable and allows you to control your assets during your lifetime. Annuities and certain trusts can provide an income stream plus tax benefits, as can a gift that provides current income for the endowment fund while preserving your estate's value for heirs.

We encourage you to seek the advice of a financial planning advisor before making any decisions about your estate. 

Go to Our Gift Planning Website

  • Cash
  • Outright gift of stock and/or real estate
  • Bequest in will
  • Life income gifts
  • Gifts of life insurance
  • Gifts of retirement assets