Nothing compares to Iowa State Fair entertainment – especially the music. Right now, there is a lot of music buzz around the Fairgrounds. The Iowa State Fair has announced 8 of the 11 Grandstand concerts for the 2025 Iowa State Fair, August 7-17.
The Blue Ribbon Foundation is proud to have supported the Grandstand renovations in the 90’s and the new stage/additional seating in 2018. Just try to name a better way to spend a warm August evening than under the stars with your friends, enjoying a great concert and spectacular fireworks at the Iowa State Fair.
The Iowa State Fair takes pride in providing an opportunity for Iowa talent to perform in front of audiences of all sizes. A Fair favorite - the free stage entertainment keeps Fairgoers coming back year after year. Applications are available online for you to perform on one of the Iowa State Fair stages. Whether you prefer the Susan Knapp Amphitheater, Anne & Bill Riley Stage or MidAmerican Energy Stage – there is something for every music lover.
You know what’s music to the Blue Ribbon Foundation’s ears? When we hear: “I’d like to make a donation!”
Thank you to the Blue Ribbon Foundation donors that support our work. The Iowa State Fair would not be able to maintain the historic buildings or stages without Iowans across the state stepping up to support future improvements.
If you love the Iowa State Fair, consider making a donation to one of our giving programs. Reminder the deadline is March 31. Tribute gifts can be made in honor of a friend, to commemorate an important holiday or event, or made in memory of loved ones.
The Blue Ribbon Foundation also manages the merchandise sold in the State Fair Store. Profits from the store directly benefit the Foundation's goal of raising funds to help preserve the Iowa State Fairgrounds.
As we slowly make our way to the warmer temperatures of spring, maybe start humming everyone’s favorite State Fair tune – “Our State Fair is a great State Fair, Don’t miss it, don’t event be late…..”