Our Great State Fair

I LOVE movies. All of them. Rom-Com’s, history, comedy, you name it. There’s just something about the feeling you get when you sit behind that screen, no matter where you are.

You know what else I love? The Iowa State Fair. All of it. The corndogs, the livestock shows, the entertainment, you name it. There’s just something about the feeling you get when you walk through those front gates and prepare for the Best Day Ever.

Therefore, you can probably assume how excited I am that my two favorite things have been combined! Iowa PBS has created the story of the Iowa State Fair — Iowa's annual showcase of its best in agriculture, industry, entertainment and achievement, and its biggest celebration. Imagine the feeling you will get watching this.

In connection with the creation of this new documentary, Our Great State Fair, Friends of Iowa PBS is partnering with the Blue Ribbon Foundation for a special premiere screening of the film on Thursday, July 20 at 6 p.m.

The premiere will take place in Oman Family Youth Inn on the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Attendees will enjoy refreshments of a corndog, popcorn and a cup of cookies while watching the two-hour film. Viewers will also have the opportunity to hear from the documentary producers following film.

A limited number of tickets are available for this special fundraiser. Only 300 lucky Fairgoers will be able to a part of this exciting experience, so get your tickets soon!

Our Great State Fair tickets are $50 per person and are available for purchase. Tickets can be purchased online at https://e.givesmart.com/events/wBD/ or by calling the Foundation at 515-262-3111 Ext. 371. Don't miss this unique opportunity to support two organizations that love the Fair just as much as you do! 

Our Great State Fair will air on statewide Iowa PBS on Monday, August 1 as well as a continuous viewing at the Museum during the Fair.


- Regan Freland, Donor Relations Intern
